We are pleased to announce that in the past month and in this new Version 2.16.49, October 8, 2021, the following features/issues have been added/addressed.
Version 2.16.49 – October 2021
ValkPro+ “exposed” panels with 2500 roof carrier

When creating a ValkPro+ project with the following conditions:
- Module orientation: Landscape
- Panels orientation: East-West
- Module inclination: 10
- Panel length: 1520 – 2320
- Panel width: 1121 – 1200
- Module orientation: Landscape
- Panels orientation: East-West
- Module inclination: 15
- Panel length: 1520 – 2320
- Panel width: 1141 – 1200
You will get the 741802500 “Galv roof carrier L=2500x1,5mm” in your BoM. When using dilatation lines the PVplanner would consider the panels adjacent to the vertical dilation lines as “shielded”. However with this particular roof carrier the distance is too great to consider the panels as “shielded”. That is why we changed (by request of Marc Lenting) the “shielded” status of the panel to “exposed”. This will result in having to use ballast underneath these panels.
Long trapezoidal profile

By request of Esmé Groenewegen and Simon Andrén a long trapezoidal profile has been added to the PVplanner. To use this profile you will need a “CTC distance roof crowns” value of 100, 200, 300 or 400. When this value has been given the PVplanner will use the long trapezoidal profile instead of the short one. Here you can find the selection matrix. This will probably be changed in the future so that when you select a “CTC distance roof crowns” value of 100, 200, 300 or 400 you will get the option to choose for the short or long profile.
If you want to use the short profile with a “CTC distance roof crowns” value of 100, 200, 300 or 400 you will have to change that value by adding or subtracting one.
ValkPro+ South ballast calc. with back plate
A while ago the calculation sheets were updated by Robin Odenkirchen. They now include the weight of the back plates to the system. This will result in a lower amount of ballast needed for panels in the edge zone. This change has now also been implemented in the ValkPVplanner.
Products added/removed
The following products are added to the ValkPVplanner:
• 72692240⠀⠀Alu trapezoidal profile L=2240mm + EPDM
The following products are removed from the ValkPVplanner:
• 7272107⠀⠀Alu trapezoidal profile L=2107mm for elevated system
• 7273100⠀⠀Alu trapezoidal profile L=3100mm for elevated system
- Fixed a bug where drawing panels in a large project would sometimes give a “undefined row” reading error. Which would in turn make it impossible to get the BoM.
Upcoming features & fixes
Quoting Tool
We have agreed to a roadmap with Ezzing about the actions needed to launch the Quoting Tool. As it sets now we will have a few more test phases over the coming months. When the Quoting Tool is at least as good as the ValkPVplanner I will start giving webinars on how to use the Quoting Tool. In the webinars I will be explaining/showing the rest of the company what I know so they are up to speed of the capabilities of the new tool.
After a couple more test phases we will soft launch the Quoting Tool. This entails that we will have a selected amount of users migrate from the ValkPVplanner to the Quoting Tool. With these users we will test the Quoting Tool some more. After all of this goes accordingly, we will fully launch the Quoting Tool, migrating all the user to the new tool.
I will keep you all updated on the developments surrounding the Quoting Tool.
- Roof type ‘Flat’ to be used as a ValkField system
- Pent standing seam crossrail is coming
- Dimension A of the installation drawing (in the report) doesn’t show right value when roof material is ‘Corrugated’