We are pleased to announce that in the past month and in this new Version 2.16.57, February 25, 2022, the following features/issues have been added/addressed.
Version 2.16.57 – February 2022
Consequence class “CC1”

Currently all projects in the ValkPVplanner are being calculated with the consequence class of “CC1”. To be more transparent of this we’ve added this to the Ambient Settings (when creating a project).
Trapezoidal profile length (pent)

With the rationalization of the trapezoidal profiles we have also added an option where you can choose whether you want “long” or “short” profiles. These options only appear when the “CTC distance roof crowns” is 200, 300 or 400. When it is 100 the profile length only has the option for “long”. Here you can find the whole trapezoidal matrix.

The API connection has been updated with a new option for trapezoidal pent roofs (profileLength) which enables 72692240 “Alu. trapezoidal profile L=2240mm + EPDM” to appear in the Bill of Materials.
Ballast weight in kg

Since a while it has been possible to get the ballast also in kg instead of tiles (9kg).
Products added/removed
The following products are added to the PVplanner:
• 738201 Ss. Connector clamp
Pre-calculated quantity is 1*amount_of_panels
The following products are removed from the ValkPVplanner:
• 7269320 Alu trapezoidal profile L=320 c.t.c. crowns 190-230mm EPDM
Minor changes
- Default fastener for corrugated (pent) roof has been set back to 747901 “Mounting bracket for corrugated”
- Mediterrenean (pent) roof didn’t show the default fastener in the Bill of Materials if no changes were applied. This has been fixed and now the correct default fastener (when no change occurs) is chosen and appears in the Bill of Materials.
- Service products 732011 and 732012 pre-calculated quantity were incorrect when the project consists of multiple buildings. It would multiply by the amount of buildings which was unnecessary. This has been fixed.