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Environmental management | ISO 14001

Paul van der Meer | Environmental Coordinator at Van der Valk Systemen 

With the ISO 14001 certification, we can demonstrate that we manufacture our products responsibly and that we take the environmental aspects correctly into account in our processes." 

Responsible production

Sustainability is one of the four core values of Van der Valk Systemen. Our solutions contribute to our customers’ sustainability. The systems for the horticultural sector contribute to energy saving in greenhouses (Van der Valk Horti Systems), and the mounting systems for solar panels support the energy transition (Van der Valk Solar Systems). We employ materials with a long useful life (> 25 years) that can be easily dismantled at the end, so the parts can be reused or recycled.

Since 2020 we have been ISO 14001 certified. This gives our customers the assurance that we take environmental aspects into account in all the processes in all our departments.

Paul van der Meer, Solar Operations Manager and Environmental Coordinator, talks about this:

"As a supplier, it is becoming increasingly important to be able to demonstrate that your products are being manufactured responsibly and that environmental aspects were taken into account throughout the entire life cycle of the product. ISO 14001, an internationally accepted standard for an environmental management system, helps us with this.

Achieving ISO 14001 certification was not our primary goal. It is an aid to keep demonstrably improving and guaranteeing the environmental aspects of our system and processes.

Every year we set new environmental goals that we share with all of our employees. This means we all know what we are striving for as a company, and everyone can do their part to achieve these goals with their own activities."

How does Paul envisage the future?

"With our environmental management system we have a good basis to develop structural initiatives in the field of CSR and sustainability in the coming years. The ISO 14001 certification is evaluated annually before renewal, and an important criterion is that we continue to improve our organisation. Given the culture and core values of Van der Valk Systemen, I am convinced of our success!"

More information: Certificate ISO 14001    Environmental policy